
Showing posts from February, 2023

The What and Why of Color Space

 What is Color Space? If you've browsed the Photo Shooting settings menu of your dslr, you've likely seen a setting for Color Space. Unless you have some super-special video camera, you'll see two choices, sRGB, the factory default setting on most dslrs, and Adobe. In my Nikons, the designation is visible in the file name. sRGB Color Space is saved as DSC_nnnn (the underscore in the middle) while Adobe Color Space is saved as _DSCnnnn (underscore at the beginning). unless, of course, you have changed the file name designation yourself. (I did alter my file name settings so that the file names on my D3200 are DSC and my Z50's file names are ZSC. My purpose for this is so that I can combine photos from both cameras into one folder and tell at a glance which camera they came from. File name makes no difference in editing processes.) Why the Color Space you choose is important. Most monitors and screens display only the spectrum of the sRGB color space. Wh